2023 had a couple big changes.
I got a new job after 14 years at the animal shelter. I am now a federal employee, working admin for FEMA. It's.... fine. I like it in general, but not in specifics.
I got married on paper. No wedding or anything, we just wanted to make sure all was legal for health insurance and next of kin stuff. Maybe someday we'll have an actual wedding.
I also did not have surgery in 2023, which was not true of the three years prior. So that's nice.
I don't really do resolutions, but I do like goals. Like writing more. And getting my cholesterol under control since apparently that's a thing I need to worry about now.
I'd like to run more as well, but my body doesn't seem to really fancy that, so it will be a desire, but not a goal. We'll see what happens.
Congrats on your new job and marriage!
2023 was a good running year for me until... it wasn't. Sudden foot problems. I also "desire" to get back to it, but won't be devastated otherwise.
Thanks! Sorry about the running! Having a body sure can be rough sometimes.
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