13 September 2012

a color theme

heliotrope \HEE-lee-uh-trohp\, noun:
1. A light tint of purple; reddish lavender.
2. Any hairy plant belonging to the genus Heliotropium, of the borage family, as H. arborescens, cultivated for its small, fragrant purple flowers.
3. Any of various other plants, as the valerian or the winter heliotrope.
4. Any plant that turns toward the sun.
5. Surveying. An arrangement of mirrors for reflecting sunlight from a distant point to an observation station.
6. Bloodstone.

The dead giveaway that the show wasn't filmed in Colorado was the plethora of heliotropes and other ferny underbrush. And that they said they were from "UC Boulder".

This actually happened. We were watching Supernatural and critiquing it. 

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