19 May 2024

20 years!?


I graduated from High school 20 years ago. It’s weird how I simultaneously still feel like a kid who doesn’t know what’s going on and an old, withered person who’s seen too much. I’m obviously somewhere in the middle of that. But it is interesting to see how much I’ve changed.

I went to a little reunion get-together at one of my former classmate’s house. There were only 3 from our class in attendance. The 3 that live on the Front Range of Colorado. We originally planned to go to the Western Slope to some old haunts, but no one else was able/willing to attend.

For context there were 8 people in my graduating class, so 3 is not a bad percentage!

It was nice to catch up. They’re both married with kids, and I was again reminded how baffling that can be since so many of my friends are queer. Many also married with kids, but the vibe is certainly different.

I had a decent time in high school. Eighth grade was hellish. My first year at the school. But it got better. I had a couple good friends in my class and a couple even closer friends in other grades, but who lived nearer to me. I commuted about an hour with a van full of students from my area and along the route. I was the furthest besides the van driver.

Because the school was small, the class sizes were nice. A decent learning experience for most subjects. It was a Christian school, so I lacked a bit in some learning areas, but I was well-prepped for college. At the Christian university.

Anyway, it is fascinating to reminisce and catch up. We plan to do so again since we all live fairly close. We’ll see if that happens.