19 January 2019

New Year

So, I don't do resolutions, but I do try to accomplish a couple goals each year:

Reading a certain number of books (audio counts, but I do have a separate goal for actual reading.)

Running a certain number of miles.

And that's about it, generally. In 2018, I did not meet either of these goals. Though I was only 12 miles off my running goal for the year. I was pretty sick (still am in fact) for much of December, so making up those miles wasn't in the cards. Regardless, it was way over 2017's total.

I was way off on the reading. I listen to audiobooks when I walk to work and when I drive around town delivering and picking up animals, but it's just not the same as when I was cleaning all day and could listen for 8+ hours. I'll figure out the appropriate number of books some year soon.

So I adjusted my goals for this year and so far have run 0 miles and read 0 books.

Good thing I have 11 1/2 months to work it out. Just need to get rid of this damn cough.