30 April 2014


I've recently taken up running. And I'm surprised to find I rather enjoy it.

I run on my lunches, which is not so unusual, I've done it in seasons past. But not to this extent. As a new smartphone owner, I've downloaded a tracking app. So now I can race myself.

One reason I've disliked running is the overabundance of pavement in my life. I much prefer softer earth (mostly because I run in minimal shoes). My work happens to be very near a popular bike trail. I used to just run on that concrete trail, but recently I realized that there is a dirt path that follows the paved one and makes some very nice detours through the trees and bushes on the creek bank. It's really very nice.

So with the finding of a nice place to run as well as an app that tracks my time and pace, I have thrown myself into running. My lunches are only 30 minutes so I generally only get somewhere between 2.5 and 3 miles. My fastest pace to date (today!) was 10:09 minutes per mile. Exciting.

On an exercise related note, I banged my shins really hard training parkour the other day. Why are there so many nerves there? Ouch.

08 April 2014

Summer start.

Camping season has begun!

Over the long Cesar Chavez weekend, my boyfriend and I drove to Utah to camp. It was a bit chilly (especially) the first night, but that's the only way I enjoy the desert. We did a couple of nice hikes, got some good photos. Tired the dog out. And then we picked up my old nordic skis from my parents on the way home.

Egyptian Temple, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah.

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. 

LaSal Mountains, Utah.



Fisher Towers, Utah.

Fisher Towers trail end.

Fisher Towers trail.

Tired pup.
And I am finally fully outfitted for backpacking. And for only a bit over $200. So this weekend I believe we're going to test it all out. Hooray.

And 14er season is near.